Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Why Being a Mother Makes Me Laugh and Cry at the Same Time

-Because I sing lullabies in the shower, either to entertain our 6 month old who sits in her bouncer staring at me while I lather up, or because I'm actually singing them to myself even when she is not there with me.

-Because I still don't have the courage to take driving lessons let alone the driving test.  I never took a lesson on parenting and no one felt the need to quiz me on being a mom.

-Because when your baby has had two surgeries within the first 6 weeks of life, you just don't know what normal ever was or what it's supposed to feel like. So you find the new normal and laugh as much and whenever you can.

-Because the highlight of my day is watching my baby watch me and realizing she kind of likes what she sees. 

-Because I care more about her wardrobe than my own when I never thought that was even a remote possibility.

-Because I thought I would be a zen mama goddess who wouldn't need any baby bouncers, baby jumperoos, or any baby accessory to keep my baby happy. But now I'm basically like, give me everything because I will try anything. 

-Because even when I am thoroughly exhausted, not making any sense, crying for no apparent reason and feeling like I will never know what experiencing balance in my life feels like again, I can still gaze at any part of my baby's body and feel better. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Here We Go

So here I am. Living in Northern Ireland since October 2014. The who, what and where of how I got here is complicated and the version of events is different depending on who you ask. And all that is my fault. A result of making my life ever so complicated for a very long time. At the end of the day it doesn't matter. What matters is I am here. All the way over here. 

In love with a man and his angelic 3 year old daughter as well as our own magical little 6 month old unicorn we created together. We are a modern family for sure, living and loving a simple life. This blog is more for the three of them than it is for me. I want all of us to be able to look back at our journey and remember the little day to day things that made us happy. Also, a gal needs a place for her own thoughts doesn't she? So here it is, All The way Over Here will hopefully be that place for me. And a nice way to follow our adventures.